Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Free Will vs. Determinism Essay Society walks about day-by-day living their lives and never really thinking or breaking down how their day unfolds or why it plays out the way it does. Some people have said that individuals have a choice and are able to decide on where their day goes. Others on the other hand would argue this assessment and state that your day and your life as whole are all pre determined. The different is free will vs. determinism. Do you believe we live in a free will world or has everything been planed out and is determined to happen no matter what? To start out on finding an answer to this question we must first break down the two terms and a bit about their background and what they mean to us as an individual walking around day-to-day living our lives. We will start off with the more depressing of the two, and that being determinism. Determinism is the philosophical view that everything in a person’s life including behavior, human conditioning, and previous events have already been planned out and will happen that way no matter what we do. Mostly this means that our lives essentially our out of our control. Imagine if you will the universe unfolding from a state of very small matter and as it unfolds and expands and life is form it just continues to grow and build. Life goes on and society works the way it is built. Then over billions of years the universe contracts and everything is essentially erased or reversed. After it completes this cycle it starts it all over again recreating the events that it just created previously. Some believe that this is what is happening in our world and with our universe now. Some also believe that this is infinite and will happen for eternity, stating that everything has already happened before and will continue to happen over and over again in the course of existence. Now you may be thinking, â€Å"I have a choice on what I do† well not according to this theory or any of the other ones in determinism. This idea is what some would put in the category of materialism. Materialism states that the only thing that truly exists is matter in a physical state, â€Å"that all things are composed of material and all phenomena are the result of material interactions. † (Ott) SO with this theory there is a bunch of cause and effect included. One physical thing must happen in order for the other to happen, even in your thought process. Yes, that’s right even in your brain. This states that your thoughts are all physical and chemical things happening (hormones cause emotions) to create your thoughts and what you do. Are you a robot? Next we have behaviorism. Many people have studied this idea but Skinner is probably the best known for his research on the topic. Behaviorism falls in the category of human conditioning. It also states that we are pleasure seeking animals and that we are determined to search and find the things that give us that pleasure. This falls in the determinism section because we have no choice with this essentially. We will only go after the things that make us feel good, all the way down to even helping a homeless person with some spare change. We do this because it makes us as an individual feel good that we helped someone else in need out. Also a lot of this has to do with when you do a good deed you are rewarded by society, given a nice pat on the back and encourages you to do that more often leading you in the direction you are going. Last but not least there is Psychoanalysis, or know to some as the Freudian psychology. Sigmund Freud is highly attached to this type of determinism and approach to life. Freud believed that we as an individual have an unconscious state of mind and a conscience. Think of it as an ice burg in the ocean. Above the water you have the tip of the iceberg, or the conscience state of mind. It is there it is aware it is obvious and clear. Then below the water you have a massive part of the iceberg that is not visible. We cannot see it and it is hidden, in fact we choose not to explore it from fear of what it may do to us. The part below the water could be looked at as your unconscious state of mind. Freud believed that your unconscious state was leading and guiding you to do things you do with out you even realizing it. These things were memories and thoughts that you have repressed mainly as a child or due to any traumatic experience. Freud would use psychology as a method of trying to bring these unconscious states to the surface so that a person could identify what they were doing and why it is that they were predetermined to do so. Sigmund Freud also came to the conclusion that each person holds with in them three states. These three states would be super ego, ego, and id. Ego would be our self-aware state of mind that you are conscience of. Super ego would be your moral value, and your id (translating to â€Å"it†) would be the sexually aggressive part of you. He felt that this â€Å"id† was what really guided you to do the things you do. It is almost as if you’re super ego and your id battle each other everyday trying to tell you what to do and when to do it. Freud was an evolutionary thinker and still to this day has many followers in his system. To go in the opposite direction we have free will. Free will is the approach to life that we have choices and decisions, and we make them every day to determine what it is that we do with our day and even with our life. Out of the two this is the less depressing approach. I personally like this approach and thought on how we live better. Free will contradicts determinism and goes the opposite direction in its logic and explanation. The followers of free will did not believe in determinism for many reason but the biggest and most important is that they believe that determinism erases responsibility for our actions. This is called indeterminism, meaning â€Å"a philosophical position that maintains that any form of determinism is incorrect because it is ultimately metaphysical†(White) So, lets look at some of the ideas and structure of free will and some of the people who had and still do have a huge influence on the approach to how we live our lives. Aristotle was a huge part of free will; he was a Greek philosopher and a student of Plato. Also is thought that he was a teacher to Alexander The Great. Aristotle was known as a common sense philosopher, believing that most of what we do is by our choices. He also believed this choices were voluntary and involuntary as well. He also believed that â€Å"the lives of individual human beings are invariably linked together in a social context†(White) Next we have William James an American psychologist and philosopher best known for his views on free will and philosophy as well as pragmatism. Pragmatism is the belief that what ever works, works because it is true. Basically validity of an idea lies within its practical consequences. This gives an individual free will by letting them think and make choices in an analytical sense. Coming up with an idea or approach to a situation but then presenting another route that is just as enjoyable or likely to be taken in the situation. If a person looks at a situation and how they will approach it and the outcome seems bad in comparison to goo then they have the choice not to go down that route giving us free will. Determinism would state that you have no choice and that you will go the route you were meant to go along. I don’t know about you but I like thinking that I have choice over if I want to go a painful route or an enjoyable route. Jean-Paul Sarte was a French existentialist and philosopher. He was famed on believing that existence precedes essences, meaning that everyday life come before the core part of what we (human) are made up of. He also stated that we are all â€Å"condemned to be free†. This meaning that we are held responsible for our own actions. There is no getting out of anything that we have chosen to do, this statement hold opposite form determinism in every way. The idea is that we are allowed to make choices but if we make the wrong choice then we must take responsibility for these choices and actions since we made them, and that life is not pre determined causing me to make them. Some individuals may choose to not take responsibility for their actions by just choosing not to make a decision all together. This is what is called living in bad faith. Living in bad faith is the idea that an individual chooses to not take an action or choices in certain situations. This is still part of free will because you are consciously making that choice and decision to do well†¦ nothing. Last but not least Sartre stated, In order to make myself recognized by the Other, I must risk my own life. To risk ones life, in fact, is to reveal oneself as not-bound to the objective form or to any determined existenceas not-bound to life Both determinism and free will have their strong arguments but I guess when you really think about it that is what philosophy altogether is really about, logical arguments. It is interesting how each can present to an individual things that we have all lived or experienced in our everyday lives. When I personally break it all down to decide what I think makes more sense I cant some to a conclusion on what I think is truly going on. Maybe I am living in bad faith and maybe that is my belief in free will, because I am able and willing to try to make a decision on which means more to me. But if determinism has its way with me then I am doomed in a sense and have no control over what one I will end up siding with. My money says that I continue to debate the two for the rest of my life. Just for my mentality sake I for the time being will side with free will. The idea of free will gives most people and me in this world faith in something, faith in the idea that they have control over their lives and can make decisions and reach things that may seem impossible. Determinism has its cool points especially when including and involving science, in fact the logic and physical evidence that follows with determinism can be quite convincing at times, but is just to depressing of a thought at the moment. Speaking for most of the world, I am sure that me and anyone else wants to think and feel that our lives are unplanned and that what we do in them will matter not to the world but more importantly to ourselves. Free will takes my vote and I am declaring it as the winner†¦ that is until determinism takes that from me.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Providences Black Chinese: A Love Story :: China Short Stories Papers

Providence's Black Chinese: A Love Story On the morning of February 23rd, 1901, Chung Yick stood chatting with Mr. Joseph Hoffman, the proprietor of the picture frame shop on the ground floor of the Charles Street house the two men shared with several other tenants. The house wasn't much better than a tenement building, with its dirty wooden face and narrow crooked stairs. A crude sign on one side said "PICTURES" in bold letters, marking the entrance to Hoffman's store. The Yicks lived on the other side, along with the Rileys and the widow Driscoll, who were cramped up on the second floor. Still, it was a decent street to live on, with a mixture of small shops and residential homes and the Mosshassuck River creeping alongside it like an emaciated and sleepy serpent. Chung was a gaunt man in his forties with hollow cheeks and intense brown eyes-he projected a certain gravity that was somehow incongruous with popular notions of the jolly, docile Chinaman. Instead of the traditional Chinese collarless jacket, he sported a conservative brown suit, complete with vest, tie, and polished black shoes. Chung was a cook by trade and a good one, too-well enough respected for the Providence Journal to dub him one of the city's "best-known Chinese restauranteurs." Most likely, he was an employee of the Wah, Yee, Hong & Co. eating house, the Chinese restaurant located closest to his home, just a brisk fifteen-minute walk away at the bottom of College Hill. It was a windy Saturday morning with temperatures well below freezing, and Chung relished these last moments of warmth inside the store before he'd have to venture out into the cold. Several thousand miles away from his old home in southern China, where temperatures fluctuated between hot and hotter, Chung still hadn't quite adjusted to Providence's bitter winters. That walk would be especially brisk today! "John," Mr. Hoffman said suddenly, addressing Chung by his chosen American name, "What's all that racket?" Indeed, some great noise-frantic footsteps and shouting-could be heard coming from the general direction of Chung's kitchen where, minutes earlier, he had left his wife and stepdaughter bustling about their morning chores. "It's a fire!" someone shouted from outside. "The attic's on fire!" The first official Chinese resident in Rhode Island appeared on the state census in 1865, but there may have been at least one "Chinaman" in Providence even earlier.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Forces in International Business

Has its hands in many international product manufacturing. They do are effected on a daily basis by the different forces of international business and ethical issues. These forces were assembled, and one of their ethical issues were evaluated. Forces in International Business There are multiple forces that effect international business.These forces are calculators forces, natural resources and environmental sustainability, political and trade forces, intellectual property and other legal forces, the international and monetary system and financial forces. All of these forces are things that influence Samsung Co. On a daily basis. Along with these forces, Samsung is also tasked by ethical issues that come imposed on almost every international country. These forces are some of the founding forces that international businesses are built on and effected by on a daily basis.Calculators Forces The first of the forces covered is the calculators force. In order to understand what Calculators Forces are, we must understand what calculators is. The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes calculators as a combination of social and ultra factors. (â€Å"Calculators. † Merriam-Webster. ) Dictionary. Com defines it as, â€Å"the combination or interaction of social and cultural factors†. (â€Å"Calculators. † Dictionary. Com) From these two definitions social and cultural are the two big factors. Are hundreds of different ways to define culture, and it's a very broad term.The book, International Business, lays down some good fundamentals about what culture is. The first point that International Business says about culture, is that it is learned, and not born with. This means that Just because you're born somewhere, soonest necessarily mean you will adapt to the culture, but spending a lot of time around people who are immersed in the culture will allow you to adapt to it. This can be a major benefit or drawback. It does allow people to move to new areas of t he world and eventually adapt to their culture, but it can take a lot of time and energy.The second point is that different parts of culture are interrelated. This second is more of a logical relation of culture, it's basically defining that you can't have some parts of culture without others. The third major point that is outlined is that â€Å"culture s shared, patterned and mutually constructed through social interactions†. (Ball, Donald). This point is very interesting, and what defines culture. Throughout the world we see many different cultures, influenced by religion, and regions, and we can see how some cultures have greatly impacted other parts of the world and their culture.Because culture is shared through social interactions, we can actually start to see a lot blending of cultures through the internet. Through the article Blending Cultures via Computer in The International Journal of New Media, it discusses the lending of European art and culture blending into par ts of Chinese Contemporary artists. Without the social interactions through online sources, this is something that would have never been possible. The last major point that is made by International Business, is that culture defines the boundaries of different groups.An example made in that book is how Americans are clock-watchers. A lot of cultures don't follow a similar pattern, and it makes Americans seem to always be in a rush. This makes them appear unfriendly, arrogant, and untrustworthy, because it's not something that's globally accepted. Another interesting point on this topic is how culture varies so much even within a single country itself, and can even vary inside small areas. The best example of this that is very well known, is how people in the younger generation from the bay area in California are known for saying â€Å"hell†.This is something that's only sprung up within the last few years, but is very common in that culture, and saying it outside of even the b ay area of California allows people to determine where you're from very quickly. A huge part of socio-cultural is the constantly changing of customers preference. Samsung was able to capitalize on one of these changes not too long ago, and was able to help turn the phone industry upside down. Before 2007 Monika was the king of the cellular industry, and had complete market dominance, until apple stepped on the scene which completely changed the phone market.They added in a whole new experience to the phone market. † The hysteria surrounding the phone made Samsung sit up and take notice†( Bandit, Rural) Samsung had a share in the phone market, and capitalized on the trend that apple started. They were able to acquire a contract with Google's operating system, android. Monika refused to adapt to the trend, and Samsung was able to take the leap and Jump ahead of Monika in 2011 as the largest market share of mobile devices.The article How Does Socio-cultural Environment Impa ct a Business sums up Samsung success greatly, † Samsung, the minnow when Monika was the shark, is now the largest handset manufacturer in the world, and in the process, has outdone Apple's phone, which many consider to be the innovation on which most modern smartness are modeled. † (Bandit, Rural) Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability. The second major force is natural resources and environmental sustainability. This force can be split into the two different sections of natural resources, and environmental sustainability.Along with those two different sections there is geography which plays a semi-significant part on this force, and also Porter's Diamond to help analyze competitive advantage. Geography has a lot of possible effects on a company. Google gives a great definition of geography, stating that it's â€Å"the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries. † (Natural Resources – Google Search) Geography is very broad, and covers everything from topography of a region to climate.These things can have a large impact on how a country defines itself. Mountains can separate a entire section of a country from the rest, thus leading them to having distinct cultures, industries and climate. It can even lead to boundaries such as deserts or forests that act as barriers between two separate regions. (Ball, Donald) These barriers cause different needs based on the area, even though they may simply be in the same country. Porters Diamond helps analyze businesses based on four aspects of a country's economic environment.The four conditions the assessment is based off of are; factor conditions; related and supporting industries; demand conditions; and firm strategy, structure, and rivalry. Porters Diamond from assess the business with a high emphasis on the countries geographical attributes as a core part of its factors, and those with the most favorable diamonds are going to be the most successful. (Ball, Donald) ( Michael E. Porter) Natural Resources play a huge factor into the economic viability of a company, and owe and where a company can be successful.Google does well defining natural resources as â€Å"materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain. † (Non-renewable Resource. † Wisped) In the book, International Business it puts a lot of emphasis on the statement that natural resources are anything that's supplied by nature which people depend on. This book also relates that both energy and unfelt minerals play an important role to business. Energy is used daily without a though, but is a very valuable natural resource, if not the most valuable..There are two major types of energy, renewable, and nonrenewable. A non renewable energy resource â €Å"is a resource that does not renew itself at a sufficient rate for sustainable economic extraction in meaningful human time-frames. â€Å"( â€Å"Renewable Energy. † Wisped) Some examples of nonrenewable energy resources are petroleum, coal, and natural gas. A renewable energy resource â€Å"generally defined as energy that comes from resources which are naturally replenished on a human timescale. † (8) Some examples of renewable energy resources sunlight, wind, rain, waves, and geothermal heat.Environmental Sustainability in business has three characteristics that are widely agreed upon; limits, interdependence, and equity. (Ball, Donald) The first of these three characteristics is limits. Limits is a basic term to serve as a reminder on the reality that environment resources are exhaustible, and that they can become toxic. The previous trend of global warming or global climate change is a great example of a limit, and how it's being impacted. The second characte ristic is interdependence. Interdependence is defined as the relationship between ecological, social, and economic systems. Ball, Donald). This book goes on to define that an effect in one these systems will affect the other two. The last characteristic is equity. Equity is essentially applying limits to interdependence. In order of Interdependence to work, there cannot be large differences in the distribution gains. This essentially means that it isn't viable to go into an area and take extreme profits without eventual resistance. Samsung is a company that takes its social responsibility, environmental responsibility, and sustainability incredibly seriously.In 2013 Samsung released its 2 page sustainability report, regarding topics such as: â€Å"Creating Shared Value and Giving Back with Samsung Products, Social Responsibility: Making Contributions around the Globe, Echo Product, Water Management, and a 50 page green/echo product environmental report† (â€Å"Samsung â€⠀œ Global Harmony. † Www. Samsung. Com) Directly from Samsung engineering website, this is their vision, † Samsung Engineering seeks to improve conditions around the world through our social contribution programs.Company-wide, we utilize our strengths and resources to benefit local communities and help children and families in need. Individually, our employees are encouraged to take part in the many volunteer programs offered by the company. † Since 2006 Samsung has been trying to enhance their energy efficiency, and respectability in their production. They've even implemented a â€Å"Echo-Design Process† to evaluate the echo-friendless of each new product during the development stage. † . In 2012, the company set up comprehensive water conservation plans and expanded its efforts to reduce the consumption of water resources around the world. (â€Å"Samsung – Global Harmony. † Www. Samsung. Com) Samsung has not taken being a leader in loba r technology lightly, they're fully applying a lot pressure to help with the sustainability of their resources, and other resources around the globe. Helping many charities and different organizations to try to help sustain our planet and keep their business profitable. Political and Trade Forces Political and trade forces are Just as important in any country as its culture and environment. This is because of the major impacts that governments can have on firms.A hospitable and stable government can encourage investment and growth despite geographic or weather barriers, or even the scarcity of natural resources. The exact opposite is true as well. A hostile or unstable government can completely kill of almost any possible investments in an area, regardless of the area's natural resources of geography. Some of the major points in the political and trade forces are government stability, and trade restrictions. Government stability can have a huge impact on business.When government sta bility is defined, there are two different possible definitions. Government stability can be defined as the government's ability to maintain itself and stay in power, or it can be defined as the permanence of the government's policies. Ball, Donald) A business is able to be at its most prosperous when the government is able to keep both of these definitions intact. â€Å"Instability on the other hand is when a government cannot maintain itself in power or makes sudden, unpredictable, or radical policy changes.It is hard for business to flourish when government is unstable. † (Ball, Donald) Business can operate under almost any set of rules and restrictions, though some are much more difficult to operate under than others. The biggest issue is when government policies are constantly changing. The reason this is difficult is cause frequent changes cause business difficulties when complying to rules and regulations. This can cause business to have to change their business models or how they operate almost overnight. With changing policies it can potentially grind some firms too halt.Trade restrictions can be one of the biggest problems when operating an international firm. There are a lot of arguments for trade restrictions such as: national defense, sanctions to punish offending nations, protect infant industry, protect domestic Jobs from cheap foreign labor, scientific tariff or fair competition, retaliation, dumping and subsidies. Some of these have a much higher impact than others, but all of these are great arguments towards trade restriction. One of the best of these arguments stems from developing nations requesting barriers on imports of competing products.This allows the developing country to sustain itself and build up it's on infrastructure while developing products that might be common place elsewhere. The argument is that a new industry needs time develop and gain experience before being forced to compete with worldwide competition. Another go od argument is the national defense argument. This argument basically requests hat there are trade restrictions on certain industry imports, and that they're vital for security, and must be kept operating even though they are not competitive with the foreign suppliers. Ball, Donald) The reason for these vital industries are so that during times of immediate war a country wouldn't suffer from unnecessary problems because they're not able to have the proper defense equipment. This could range from guns and tanks, to as simple as shoes. Having an insufficient supply of footwear at times of war can cause a lack of shoes for civilians and soldiers which can lead to unnecessary casualties. These trade restrictions arguments all raise their own valid points and each have their own benefits and negativisms.Ever since the introduction of Samsung smartness they have been in legal battles all over the world with Apple trying to make it legal for them to sell their phones, and not be infringing on copy right laws. Almost every country has had their own legal battle with Samsung and apple with new ones emerging every day. With Samsung being based on South Korea they were able to have a lot of political influence there. In the article , Korea Fair Trade Commission clears Samsung use of tankard-essential patents against Apple, it refers to how Samsung used its power in Korea to basically influence these decisions.With Samsung being a massive part of Koreans market they were able to get their essentials patents against Apple cleared allowing them to continue operation as usual. (â€Å"SAMSUNG ENGINEERING. † Samsung Engineering) Intellectual Property and Other Legal Forces The fourth of the international environmental forces is intellectual property and other legal forces. The best way to sum up this section is given by, International Business, saying â€Å"International business is affected by many thousands of laws and isolations issued by states, nations, and intern ational organizations. The reason this is a really outstanding summary is because not only are international businesses subject to the laws of the countries they operate in, but also the states and even cities they are based in. The other few main points of this section include international legal forces, international dispute settlement, and intellectual property. International legal forces are governed by international laws. International laws can be divided into two subcategories, public international law and private international law.Public international law can be defined as the relations between governments, including laws concerning diplomatic relations and all matters and obligations of those nations. (Ball, Donald) Private international law are the laws concerning the transactions of individuals and companies crossing international borders. (â€Å"Private International Law. † U. S. Department of State) International laws come from several different sources, but the m ain and most important of these are treaties between nations. Ball, Donald) A treaty is basically an agreement under international law, and can also be known as â€Å"an agreement, protocol, covenant, invention, pact, or exchange of letters, and all of these forms of agreements are, under international law, equally considered treaties and the rules are the same† (â€Å"Treaty. † Wisped) Some International organizations have been created to provide a forum to help create treaties between different countries. A few examples of these would the United Nations or the European Union.Handling international laws are great, but without being able to enforce them they lead nowhere, this is where international dispute settlement comes in. Litigation is the process conducted in order to determine and enforce legal rights, this is essentially the investigation process behind laws such as international treaties. This process can be incredibly complicated and expensive, and in additi on to the trial itself the process can require a pretrial. A pretrial is essentially an pre investigation which requires all facts and relevant information to the litigation from both sides to come forth. Ball, Donald) The other part of international dispute settlement is arbitration. Arbitration is a process agreed to by both parties that instead of going to court, they will attend a neutral person or party the makes a binding decision. Legal Dictionary gives a great summary of arbitration, saying † Arbitration is a well- established and widely used means to end disputes. It is one of several kinds of Alternative Dispute Resolution, which provide parties to a controversy with a choice other than litigation.Unlike litigation, arbitration takes place out of court: the two sides select an impartial third party, known as an arbitrator; agree in advance to comply with the arbitrator's award; and then participate in a hearing at which both sides can present evidence and testimony. The arbitrator's decision is usually final, and courts rarely reexamine it. (10) Intellectual property encompasses many different exclusive manufacturing rights. These are patents, trademarks, trade names, copyrights, each which have their own separate meaning and purpose.A patent in the United States is defined as, â€Å"an intellectual property right granted by the Government of the United States of America to an inventor â€Å"to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States† for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention when the patent is granted. (11) A trademark or trade name can be defined as, â€Å"A shape, a color, design, catchy phrase, abbreviation, or sound used by merchants or manufacturers to designate and differentiate their products. (Ball, Donald) A copy right is, â€Å"Exclusive legal rights of authors, composers, creator s of software, playwrights, artists, and publishers to publish and dispose of their works† and are protected under the Berne Convention of 1886 which is adhered to by 164 countries. (Ball, Donald) Possibly one of the biggest legal battles regarding intellectual property in history is a battle still being fought today. That battle is Apple Inc v. Samsung Electronics Co. These cases are strictly regarding the design of smartness and tablets.The spring of 2011 apple began litigation over several patent infringements by Samsung. (United States District Court) Eventually the litigation opened up to 19 different cases spanning across ten different countries. (Liableness, Chloe) A basic summary of this case is that apple patented the shape of its phone and the color design and layout of its SO right before the release of the first Phone in 2007. In 2011 Apple opened up some cases against Samsung referring to Samsung breaking patents, trademarks, ND the use of its style over multiple devices. (â€Å"Apple Inc. . Samsung Electronics Co. , Ltd. † Wisped. ) After a few months in dispute apple submitted evidence of side by side comparison between an phone and a specific galaxy model. This evidence turned out to be tampered with which lead to even further investigation. (Liableness, Chloe) Since the cases were opened, there have been multiple trials and appeals. This has lead to some countries fully banning Samsung products, and countries punishing Apple forcing them to essentially pay to Samsung for slandering their name. (â€Å"Apple Inc. V. Samsung Electronics Co. , Ltd. Wisped. ) International Monetary Arrangements and Terrorism International monetary system and terrorism have a large impact on how some international businesses are able to operate. One of the major factors in the international monetary system is Foreign Exchange. The reason why this is a large factory is because most corporations like to do business in their own currency, because then the y don't have to assume the risk that can come with currency exchange. (Ball, Donald). This is prevalent because it can cause major problems when converting to other currencies.Samsung being one of the world largest manufacturers and suppliers of electronics faces themselves working with many different currency on a daily basis. Being the largest Smartened supplier in the world they deal with a large amount of exchanges. This is because some of their phone parts are produced in different nations, and then sold in almost of every country around the world. Ethical Issue One of the probably the biggest ethical issues faced before Samsung is the entire child labor debacle in 2012. In 2012 Samsung was investigated for using illegal labor practices in their Chinese manufacturing facilities.The claims against Samsung were that in some cases were that employees were working 16 hour days, and also that some employees were under the legal working age of 16 years old. (windcheaters. Com) After the investigations were complete Samsung was found guilty of these practices, but that they were not the ones responsible for these practices. They were able to essentially cover their tracks in these cases and switch a majority of the blame. (Grandson, Odin) Samsung probably didn't portray Christian values in this situation, as they were not respecting the laws in that country.This is finitely a large issue in the manufacturing process, as it is able to provide cheap labor for their company. Conclusion Samsung is an international company that is effected by the different international force of business on a daily basis. These forces determine everything from where and when to sell products, how to ship, where to manufacture a long with a multitude of other things. Samsung is also faced with ethical issues. Through the thick and thin Samsung has been able to use these forces to put themselves at the head of the pack becoming a leader in international electronic manufacturing. Forces in International Business Introduction McDonald’s is a corporation from the United States that has done a great deal of business internationally for many years, and is well-known globally. McDonald’s is listed at number 378 on Fortune’s Global 500 list, and brought in over $22 billion in revenues in 2010. Sociocultural Forces Sociocultural forces include the different aspects of understanding that exist in one culture in comparison to another. These aspects include aesthetics, religion, language, education, etc.It is important to remember that culture is not something that is innate to specific persons, but is rather something that is learned through experiencing the culture. Along those lines, culture is also shared between all of the members of the culture, and all aspects of it are interrelated. In fact, group boundaries are caused by culture and set persons feeling towards different actions. The concept that one’s own culture is better than another is called ethnocentrism. Natu ral Resources and Environmental SustainabilityThe second force encompasses natural resources and environmental sustainability. Natural resources are based upon location within the world and advantages that these resources give a nation relative to the rest of the world. Some of these resources are limited, and over time if taken into account can become depleted or cause harm to the environment in another way. The concern for the sustainability of these resources should be of some concern to businesses operating internationally because it affects their decisions and the decisions of those they are negotiating with as well.Economic and Socioeconomic Forces Economic and socioeconomic forces also play parts as forces that affect different countries. The economic forces include different levels of economic development; including developed, developing, and newly industrialized countries/economies. Socioeconomics affect the economies of different countries and regions individually based on their own social norms. Power levels can be defined by the strength of the economy that either a country or a business has as well.This concept is also intertwined with the concept of exchange rates. Political Forces Political forces affect countries and businesses as well. Some political forces include nationalism, national or international conflicts, international organizations, and types of governments such as: communism, socialism, and capitalism. Whether a country is conservative or liberal can also play a part in the politics of a region. Political forces spill into the international legal system too which makes them of great concern to businesses.A major part of political forces in regards to business is trade restrictions or tariffs which cost the business more money to export or boycott their business altogether. Intellectual Property and Other Legal Forces International business can be influenced by concepts of intellectual property and other legal forces as well. One maj or legal force that can influence a business’s decisions is international law. International law is divided into both public and private laws. Public international law revolves around relations between governments including the rights and obligations of sovereign nations.Private international law lords over the transactions made by individuals and companies in regards to international borders. Intellectual property comes from a person or company’s intellect, and these ideas are protected by laws which include the use of patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. Financial Forces and the International Monetary System Financial forces including the international monetary system which contains financial institutions, agreements, rules, and processes play a major part in the decisions that businesses make in regards to international markets.The value of a country’s currency as well as the exchange rates relative to either their floating currency or their be ing on the gold standard is a huge factor to consider as a business negotiating across borders. Most businesses will hedge their investments in order to protect themselves from losing money due to constantly changing rates of exchange. Labor Forces Finally, the seventh force affecting international business has to do with labor. Classifications such as size and average age of a workforce, as well s unemployment rates, all affect the manner in which an international business reacts to its current and potential workforce. A major issue making its mark on the global economy right now is brain drain, which causes the skilled workers of a developing country to migrate for greater professional and economic reasons. All of these forces must be taken into account when involved internationally as business. McDonald’s Cultural Forces In the book Golden Arches East, the author discusses how when McDonald’s moved their business into the Far East, they were forced to reevaluate the culture there.In Japan especially, the idea that America exists in a class of its own is a type of fantasy that prevails in the fondest thoughts of those who consider it. For Japan, McDonald’s is a symbol of this fantastic culture, and brings in many customers because of this (especially from the younger population). â€Å"From the perspective of the ‘civilizing process’ McDonald’s†¦[has]†¦helped to create an entirely new concept of manners. † (p. 181) says Watson (1997). Through the introduction of fast food into the culture, McDonald’s has introduced an entirely new concept of manners to this culture.The book also discusses how the high amount of rice in the diet there also affected their business decisions. Watson (1997) states, â€Å"’McDonald’s’ has gained ample recognition among Japanese consumers. However, our image is that of a light-meal restaurant for young people. We are not regarded as a place for adults to have dinner. † (p. 164) McDonald’s is not a fast-food restaurant there as it is in the US, but rather a trendy place to get a snack. McDonald’s and the Environment McDonald’s Economic ForcesWages paid to citizens of European countries have a high ratio of variability, and therefore McDonald’s had to adjust their pricing and payment strategies when they entered the European market. (Royle, 2000, p. 158). Royle states, â€Å"[U]nions [in Germany] had to accept the possibility of even lower wage† (p. 158). In addition, executives in many European countries were hired for just a â€Å"fistful of dollars† (Royle, 2000, p. 165). The pricing systems for their menus had to be adjusted based on the expectations that the economy had for them as well.This caused a serious change which McDonald’s had to adjust to in order to achieve success in this new environment (Royle, 2000, p. 167-169). McDonald’s Political Forces Polit ics also holds a great deal of power over wages paid in each country McDonald’s moves its business into. Royle talks about different wages that are required by governments in European countries, â€Å"†¦for example, in addition to the basic Danish kroner per hour, workers receive an additional DKr 9. 15 per hour for any hours worked during Monday to Friday between 6:00 p. m. nd midnight† (p. 163). There are several other stipulations on payment that are made by law that Royle lists throughout the rest of the chapter. In addition, McDonald’s is constantly under fire from several interest groups who are trying to make sure that McDonald’s uses humanely raised and slaughtered animals from suppliers that have shown concern about this. This is another political pressure that concerns McDonald’s as they attempt to meet the cultural standards for the ethical treatment of animals. McDonald’s Legal Forces McDonald’s Financial ForcesMcDona ld’s Labor Forces McDonald’s has a massive workforce worldwide which it uses to expand and maintain its numerous international ventures. Hamburger University is a training program used specifically to train new leaders for the McDonald’s workforce. At a location in Shanghai, China, admission is a competitive opportunity. â€Å"[M]ore than 26 percent of China’s 6. 3 million college graduates were unemployed as of July 1† (Wei, 2011), this means that McDonald’s is able to choose who they want to apprentice at Hamburger University.McDonald’s hopes to grow from 1,300 stores to 2,000 in China by 2013 (Wei, 2011), and Hamburger University will be a major part of meeting the labor requirements for that goal. References Adams, C. (2007). Reframing the Obesity Debate: McDonald’s Role May Surprise You. Journal of Law, Business, & Ethics, 35(1), 154-157. doi: 10. 1111/j. 1748-720X. 2007. 00120. x Ball, D. , Geringer, M. , Minor, M. , & Mc Nett, J. (2009). International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Royle, T. (2000). Working for McDonald’s in Europe: Unequal Struggle?.London: Routledge. Watson, J. L. (1997). Golden Arches East: McDonald’s in East Asia. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press. Wei, M. (2011). Hamburger University Shanghai is Sizzling. Business Week. Retrieved from http://www. businessweek. com/magazine/content/11_06/b42140224816 05. htm http://site. ebrary. com/lib/calbaptist/docDetail. action? docID=10130868 http://site. ebrary. com/lib/calbaptist/docDetail. action? docID=10093669 http://www. businessweek. com/magazine/content/11_06/b4214022481605. htm http://web. ebscohost. com/ehost/detail? id=21&sid=4dbd75e7-4603-4bc6-b27f-659024024242%40sessionmgr12&vid=1&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=bsh&AN=6548577 http://web. ebscohost. com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? hid=21&sid=1689342b-eff5-4b11-bd46-334cdb6d982f%40sessionmgr4&vid=2 http:/ /web. ebscohost. com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? hid=21&sid=0d1c68a6-c38a-433c-b083-e62eeb6477a2%40sessionmgr15&vid=2 http://libproxy. calbaptist. edu:2078/ehost/detail? vid=14&hid=19&sid=76bace0c-5005-49d0-bae3-8988a91b1f5e%40sessionmgr13&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=aph&AN=24181440 Reframing the Obesity Debate: McDonald's Role May Surprise You.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Origin Of Ancient Africa - 1082 Words

Africa is the origin of mankind, the early civilizations that migrated throughout the continent set a basis for studying and understanding why humans will migrate. When examining the people of ancient Africa, historians identified the fact that many groups migrated throughout the continent. It became evident that the different societies had some similarities and influences from one another. The Bantu people shared a common foundational language, which was a main factor in their expansion to the west as well as the south. In the northern part of the continent there was a colonial powerhouse forming. The Egyptian empire migrated along the Nile River in search for trade routes, which expanded their kingdom and made them stronger. To develop a†¦show more content†¦The same strategies that helped them become so large, and powerful, led to their downfall. â€Å"The process of Egyptian colonial expansion in Africa involved three major stages. The first was a period of more or less uncoordinated exploration and plundering, which served to make the Egyptians aware of the economic resources and opportunities beyond their southern frontier. This was followed by the establishment of trade relations with a powerful interior chiefdom, backed up by an Egyptian monopoly of trade on the lower Nile.† The Egyptians explored beyond the borders of their primary colonization, as stated the first period was uncoordinated; it was simply human nature to explore, and see what there was beyond their borders. This led to trade relations, and the Egyptians developed a trade monopoly along the Nile. In turn this helped their economy grow, and expand as a result of their migration southward. When a historian looks at ancient Egypt he or she can see that by studying it’s migration patterns south, it was able to extend its influence on the culture and societies that it encountered. In the south the people of Nubia were the most directly affected by Egyptian occupation. The various natural resources that were sought after in Nubia by the Egyptians were what led to the empires initial purpose for migrating further south. As a result, Nubian culture showed evidence of