Monday, May 25, 2020

Cheating Has Become More Prevalent Among Business Students...

Enclosed is my analysis of my findings from the surveys given to students in the business school at Bayview University, where I will highlight and describe the results from the data collected about cheating based on the survey data. Included in this report will be my analysis of the survey and my advice on what to do about the accusations of cheating based on the results from the data. With a recession during 2008 and 2009, many Wall Street executives, financial managers, and other corporate officers were being accused of unethical behavior. In an attempt to possibly explain this behavior, the Chronicle of Higher Education published an article in 2009 that suggested that cheating has become more prevalent among business students. According to the article, 56% of business students admitted they had cheated some time while trying to obtain their degree. This statistic compares unfavorably with only 48% of nonbusiness students admitting to cheating some time during their college career. The faculty is divided on the concern of cheating with some members believing it more widespread here than other universities, and others thinking that is not a major problem here. Survey: The dean of the College of Business at Bayview University wants to conduct a study to investigate concerns about cheating. In order to gain insight on this issue, there was an anonymous exit survey that was given to 100 business students that are in this year’s graduating class. The survey contains threeShow MoreRelatedAcademic Dishonesty and Prevalent Cheating Strategy1787 Words   |  8 PagesCheating in School: A Growing Epidemic? Marc Ryan Calimba Charry Fe M. Cornelia Zephanie Marie R. Danieles Dianne Rachelle Y. Dela Rama Shirley Serojano Introduction: â€Å"Cheating’s OK!† This line is most likely heard by many of us. Cheating is widespread that even a Catholic Institution of St. Paul University Dumaguete (SPUD) is not exempted to have student cheating on exams. 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