Friday, May 15, 2020

I Never Paid Much For Writing Essay - 1663 Words

Many students of all ages have issues with writing, the only way to get good at writing is to have experiance. I never paid much attention to my writing skills in high school, I just did not care about writing. This year as a freshman in college I have been struggling with writing this semester in GSW 1100. Even though I have not been doing well, I understand that writing in college is extremely important to learn and develop. This is important because most courses in college have writing in them. As the semester has progressed, I have slowly started to understand where I am with writing and where I need to improve. Revising my essays is a great way to learn from my mistakes. Although my writing is not great yet I am slowly getting there with this class. I believe I have improved my writing a great deal in several areas over the course of this semester and I feel that my portfolio shows this. I have learned to develop my thesis and make it clear, to recognise sentence boundaries erro rs, and to see and fix the many grammar errors in my writing. First, I was very bad at writing a thesis in the beginning of this school year. In my essays my thesis was just not there or very unforced. I would be looking over my paper and I would look at it as well developed but other people were very confused on what my paper was about till they read the whole paper to understand. A good thesis is important for other readers because without a solid thesis the readers may read the introductionShow MoreRelatedWe Must Complete Co Ops884 Words   |  4 PagesI will never cease to be amazed by how quickly I fall in love with ideas. I become completely consumed with a thought. I will go to New Zealand and work there and hike everyday, living out of a van with my best friend. I will attend Business school and love it and travel the world while doing so. 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