Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Elite Athletes Train Outside Competition - 1980 Words

It is vitally important that elite athletes train outside competition to maximise their potential which will lead to collective and individual rewards. Regular exercise stated by McConnell and Hull (2011 p.734) can â€Å"increase muscle fibre which improves power and improves anaerobic metabolism- the ability to to generate ATP† (Adenosine triphosphate). This piece of work, using academic sources will look at one component of fitness, the physiological demands of the chosen sport, the performance profile of the athlete involved, performance and competition objectives and finally the main annual training programme itself which interoperates all the exercises, Periodisation and Progression. The component of fitness chosen for this annual training programme is power. Power is the rate at which work is done (Guillermo et al, 2012). Power is commonly calculated using the equation, force Ãâ€" velocity = power, and this is commonly measured in watts (Guillermo et al, 2012). Power is also defined by Briggs (n.d p.124) as â€Å"a combination of speed and strength and as one of the most important factors in performance. He also goes on to state that â€Å"power is the ability to exert high levels of force, via muscular contractions, in the quickest possible time. The more a muscle is able to exert maximal force, the greater the power output.† (Briggs n.d p.124). Power is present in sports that require high muscle performance such as rugby, when players are engaging in a scrum, ruck or maul, boxingShow MoreRelatedSports Athletes Should Not Be Better Than Their Opponent1268 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction- In the world of sports, competitive athletes are willing to do whatever is necessary to be better than their opponent. The nature of the competitive drive in some athletes is precisely what separates the average from the elite. 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